What is energy.
Energy with vector properties.

Energy is the existence and vice versa, existence is energy
with vector properties, demonstrated experimentally.
Knowing the properties of vectors, one cannot imagine
limiting their extension on the three spatial dimensions.
A finite extension involves bordering with "something", which is absurd.
So existence is energy with vector properties extended to infinity - vector space.
It follows that existence, energy and space are one unit.
However, it remains inaccessible to know the essence of vector properties, although,
whether we want to recognize them or not, they are ubiquitous.
Energy is eternal, and inexhaustible.
Energy turns into the state of matter.
Energy detection is possible there where the interactions of vector properties
transform the energy into the state of corpuscle.
A corpuscle is formed by two orthogonally coupled vector circuits (hydrogen atom).
The energy in the state of corpuscles consists in the interactions of the vector properties,
in which the energy oscillates between the kinetic state
and the potential state, generating a characteristic spectrum.
Each oscillation is unique and continuous through reproduction.
The uniqueness of the oscillations is reflected in the spectrum of lines.
The corpuscle state of energy, with the same vector properties,
continues the interactions and is groupates in increasingly complex material structures.
Inside the structures, the force field, the vector interactions that unite the corpuscles,
represent the space between them (Rutherford's space).
The vector interactions between the bodies of the universe propagate
through the vector space and interact from a distance.
Therefore the existence of the universe is energy in the state of matter.
The existence of energy in the state of matter, from corpuscles to the universe is finite.
Energy transformed into material structures (elements) is show in their specific properties.
This metamorphosis of energy represents hypostases
of vector interactions, from locomotion to reason.
The evolution of the organization of material structures has a beginning and an end, called life.
The material structures reproduce and their life continues in pulsations.
The pulsations show the balance between the composition
and the decomposition of the energetic structures, in time and space.
We, from within the phenomenon, are frightened by the decomposition (death)
seen up close, but also by the composition (dilation) seen in the distance.
The perpetual evolution of the structures of the universe,
through reproduction and through their energy exchanges, is irreversible.
The measure of this evolution is perceived as the notion of time.
By absurdity, in the absence of the energy interactions
with vector properties, matter become ... nothing.
