The instinct of reproducing
energy structures.
The article gives a brief description of the phenomenon of terrestrial animal
reproduction, parallel to the same phenomenon of all energy structures. We
know the reproduction of terrestrial animals, but not that of objects in the
universe. As reference, the knowledge of animal life on earth, let us observe
this phenomenon ai level of the universe.In animals, the phenomenon consists
in the instinct of reproduction, animals are born, reproduce and die. We call
this cycle life, which appears, reproduces and disappears, like a pulsation.
Therefore, animals exist in the form of a series of continuously reproduced
pulsations. Life, the pulsation has the ascending component, the apogee with
reproduction and the descending component, in which the structure
decomposes, disappears. At the peak of the pulsation, the pulsation of a new
identical structure is reproduced. All forms of matter in the universe are
structures of energy, from the atom to the galaxies, and they exist as long
they reproduce. Here, the instinct of reproducing structures is the vector
property of orthogonality (the drill rule). In the apogee area, this property
substantially reproduces the pulsation of a new orthogonal structure. This
property produces and reproduces the pulsation of the hydrogen atom, and
the stars reproduce planetary and galactic systems.The place of development
of the new structures are their atmospheres, full of substances ready to be
structured orthogonally by the vortices observed physically and optically
the atmospheres of the planets and stars.The hydrogen atom dies and is born
with each pulsation, because the induction of the pulsation is an exchange
energy with the vector space, in the form of radiation (spectrum of lines).
The pulse speed is too high and the time too short to understand, but the
phenomenon is rational. We cannot understand the pulsation of the stars,
since their life is so long and the speed of evolution so low. <How fast
passes ... as if yesterday, the dwarf galaxy it was a star and now is a big
galaxy> Just as animal organisms have a common internal structure that
produces the energy of life, just as and the objects of the universe have
common internal structure that produces the energy of life. The internal
structure common to stars and planets is given by the balance between
kinetic energy, magnetism and the orthogonality of the potential energy,
electroid. The centripetal compressed gas sphere creates the pressure that
establishes this equilibrium. On the ascending component of the pulsation
the conditions for the multiplication of hydrogen atoms, amplifying the energy
of the pulsation. Attention! the ascending component of the pulsation creates
energy inside the star. At the apogee of the pulsation, the pulsation of a
orthogonal structure is reproduced. The new structure with the same positive
radial polarity (REP) is rejected on the trajectory. The lenticular shape
of the solar system
demonstrates that the fractal structure of the solar system (the sun reproduces
the planets and the planets reproduce the satellites), contrary to expectations,
the sun's energy amplifies. The magnetic fields of the planets and that of
sun, vectorially compose a common magnetic field, just as the magnetism of
the atoms of a conductor composes a common magnetic field around the
electrical conductor. This phenomenon amplifies the sun's energy and can
thus control the system. The solar system is part of the galaxy and participates
with its magnetic field in amplifying the common magnetic field of the galaxy.
And the galaxy has a lenticular shape and fractal structure, the central star
initially reproduced two or more stars, which in turn continued to reproduce
star branches and stellar systems, the arms of the galaxy. The galaxy's
common magnetic field produces centripetal force on the central star and
raises the pressure to fantastic values. Under these conditions, the oscillations
around the central star are transformed from a great distance into potential
energy, which reveals the dark image of the electroide. Of interest to us
is the
descending component of a planet's oscillation. The Earth, after reproducing
the satellite, the Moon, the descending component began a period of mineral
sedimentation. The gaseous state of the various mineral elements that formed
the gaseous atmosphere precipitated, forming mineral deposits. From this
period, water remained in the form of seas and oceans on the surface of the
solid crust. The descending component continues very similar to the old age
of the human body. After reproduction (40 years), the human body shows
signs of old age: sight, hair color, etc. Gradually, the body degrades
generating optimal conditions for internal and external development for
viruses, microbes, parasites, etc. On earth, seas, oceans and land, rain and
light have become optimal conditions for the first biological structures,
of aging similar to the human body. The development of the biosphere is well
known, with the two interruptions due to the obstruction of sunlight at the
reproduction of the planet Venus and mercury (eons).In retrospect, we notice
that the biosphere, through "human civilization", accelerated and
the evolution of decomposition, "the planet not being vaccinated".
The signs of
degradation will continue with the disappearance of vegetation and animals.
The edifices will become vestiges buried by storms and the earth will repeat
the history of Mars. It seems that now the planet Venus is going through the
period of mineral sedimentation. Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, the
Venusians will look for water on earth. From the perspective of these
interpretations, we can estimate the crowd of planets in the universe, with
biosphere and intelligent beings. For me, it is unlikely that there is such
a planet,
on which the electrical phenomenon is interpreted as a "scalar particle