How solar energy produces water vaporization.
Vector interpretation.
The upward movement of water vapor generates a vortex called a cyclone.
The evaporation of water is produced by solar energy (there are no
explanations!). The materialist conception cannot explain the evaporation
of water irradiated by the sun. Two orthogonally closed vector circuits
compress their density mutually and form a solid, cold structure called
matter, hydrogen atom. The atom is solid due to the small volume and high
density of orthogonal circuits and "cold" because it has no
oscillations, being
in the potential state of energy. Atoms being tetrapolar, spherically
the vector space around them, through which they react to external stimuli
closed circuits that connect them to each other. Two hydrogen atoms
close only one circuit between them, a molecular bond. Four hydrogen
atoms close all the vector circuits between them and their centripetal
produce strong nuclear bonds, the element helium. Thus, helium
constitutes, like hydrogen, a unit in the formation of elements.
The oxygen atom is a structure of hydrogen atoms, with nuclear bonds.
The incomplete bonds between an oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms
form a water molecule. The density of water is variable with the oscillations
of the molecular bonds. The oscillations of molecular vector circuits
called heat. Heat, color, light are oscillations of vector space, they
interactions of vector properties, kinetic energy and nothing else.
The fact that in a vessel, hot water rises above, shows that the amplification
of molecular oscillations has decreased the density of the water.
The frequencies of the vector oscillations of solar radiation resonate
those of molecular and nuclear bonds. Resonance converts from potential
energy, kinetic energy (Lavoisier). The increase in kinetic energy decreased
the density of water vapor. We observe with our senses the rise of water
vapor (of warm air). The density of the vectorial space in the vapor rises
the similar, natural density, Aristotle said, pushed from below upwards,
the Archimedean force. The oscillations of the water vapor are damped,
they cool down and the vapor density returns to the liquid state and as
Archimedes says, it sinks into the vectorial space in the form of rain.
In conclusion, water circulation is the movement of the density of vector
space, the substance being the structure in which the density of vector
changes. The ascent of hot air in the atmosphere polarizes the vector
vertically and closes orthogonally vector circuits. In orthogonally closed
circuits, the interactions of vector properties produce centripetal vector
forces and axial rotation of vertically oriented vectors, the rotation
differential, vortex. Now we know that vortex is only apparent of substance,
substance being vector structures, objects, which are carried by the forces
of vector space. Wind, "atmospheric pressure differences" is
part of
orthogonally closed circuits with large radius, the vector space carrying
substance of the atmosphere. The Earth is a vortex, with differential
with orthogonally closed vector circuits, called electric and magnetic,
centripetal vector forces, gave the shape of a solid sphere.
Towards the center, the centripetal forces have exponentially increased
density of orthogonally closed vector circuits. The energy of the axial
rotation of vectors oriented in the center of the magnetic axis depends
on the
density of orthogonally closed circuits. The density of circuits is maximum
the center of the magnetic axis and decreases proportionally with the
from which the differential rotation results. So, the differential rotation
is a
characteristic of macroscopic vector structures. The effects of the differential
rotation of the Earth are observable in the motion of the Moon and in
and gaseous media. In liquid media, oceans and flowing waters, the effects
are described by Coriolis. Although the angular velocity becomes greater
towards the poles, the linear (tangential) velocity becomes smaller.
Towards the equator the linear velocity becomes higher and the angular
velocity becomes lower. The latitude dependence of the linear velocity
of rotation, determines the sense of rotation of atmospheric vortices.