Dilemma of electric current
The electric current are transported polarities of electrons or, a vector phenomenon?
In the specialty terminology, the transport concept is enshrined, so we say the transported current;
flowing a current; crossed by a current; traveled by a current; and so on.
No one can think that this conception is false, as they once did not think, that the earth is spinning.
Dear readers, resolve this dilemma with your own thinking.
Is the electrical current formed by electric charges transported by electrons a bluff?
The idea that electricity is something that can be taken with a bucket from one place
and placed in another is officially accepted.
No no no! In the bucket aren't electrons!
The bucket is even the electron, the one carrying the "load" unit,
is the packing, the courier, the wagon that transports electrical charges among the atoms
(perhaps electricity is dangerous if it is left free).
How? What is electricity? Nobody knows. Electricity and gravitation are twin mysteries.
Electricity is the charge of the electron. The electron is the load carrier, he must know
Meditate on!
The electric battery, positive terminal is on an ant hill without ants (empty)
and on the negative are perched ants (electrons).
The electric battery, is a string of compasses with a positive needle to the north
and a negative needle to the south (information)
Magnetic effect of the electric current: Hocus Pocus! A magnetic field appears.
What is the electron?
In the corpuscular conception, the electricity had to have an atomic structure, like matter.
First, the name of the particle, the electron, was proposed, then the electrical charge size were resolved. The idea was immediately taken up in other fields,
photon for light, quanta for energy, the Higgs boson for mass.
The empty space around the atom, observates in Rutherford experiment,
demonstrates that atoms are bonded to each other by electrical and magnetic currents (vector field).
In this structure, there are neither motives nor conditions for the movement of rotation and revolution.
The reasons that there are no solitary formations,
and the conditions are the existence of the field of heterogeneous forces.
Yet the electron has been accepted as an atom of electricity and as a planet in the atomic physics.
What is elementary electric charge?
The elementary charge carried by the electron is the smallest amount of negative electrical polarities.
A negative electrical polarity involves more negative vector halves, so elemental load can not be elementary unless it has only the negative half of a single vector.
Otherwise, the "negative halves" of the electron it each other rejecting!
The electron is an absurd concept.
The electrical charges are polarities of vectors "decapitated"
Code of the genesis
The essence of nature is the existence vector, revealed by remote interaction.
Electricity is a property of the existence vector.
We do not know the structure of the existence vector, but we perceive its properties.
We ascertain it has as any vector, direction, meaning and force (which will become EM).
We perceive that their opposite polarities is uniting,
and those of the same kind reject each other (elementary interactions).
We also understand that the existence of these properties and their orthogonal interdependence,
constitute a kind of code of the genesis,
a logic of organization, but not a finality, but a continuous evolution, a perpetual interaction.
This code begins by organizing orthogonally two vector currents (electric and magnetic), which is "strangles each other and alternately" (interacts centripetal) in a continuous oscillation - hydrogen.
This prototype of interaction has three fundamental consequences:
1- the form of interaction constitute the substance (with corpuscular properties)
2- the dimensions of the interaction constitute the space (volume of interaction)
3- the evolution of the interaction constitute the time
(the measure of the unidirectional evolution of the interaction)
EM current only vectorial :
- centripetal interactions (oscillators, "gravity")
- centrifugal interactions (EM waves)
EM current in substance :
Electric current is the EM force which aligns orthogonally the polarities of closed circuits.
- in solid conductor (EM interactions - radiation, mechanical force)
- in liquid conductor (EM interactions - chemical interactions - electrolysis)